Paul Sacher Foundation Scholarships

The Paul Sacher Foundation awards two types of research scholarships:

1. Scholarships for research on self-chosen topics
2. Scholarships for research on predefined topics

Detailed information regarding the guidelines and requirements for both types of scholarships is provided below.

1. Scholarships for research on self-chosen topics

Every year the Paul Sacher Foundation awards a limited number of research grants (CHF 2250.00 per month) to visiting scholars, particularly those from abroad. They are intended primarily to help defray the costs of living in Basel.

Prerequisites and Details

  • Scholars interested in applying must have completed a degree in musicology or possess comparable qualifications.
  • The major part of the research project should involve the Foundation’s own archival holdings. Therefore, the presence of the scholars during the Foundation's opening hours is a requirement.
  • The duration of the grant (a minimum of one month) must be appropriate to the scope of the project.
  • Preference in the awarding of grants will be given to first-time applicants.
  • Only complete applications will be taken into consideration.
  • A brief report of the scholar’s activities must be submitted at the end of the grant period.

Notes on Applications

  • Applications may be submitted before either of two cut-off dates: 15 February or 31 August.
  • The applications must contain the following enclosures:
    - Curriculum vitae (with date of birth, and nationality)
    - Detailed project description (ca. three pages) including a working title, and the requested duration of the grant period
    - List of publications
    - Copies of two or three publications.
  • Applications should be submitted in digital form (PDF) wherever possible, using the following contact address.

Contact address

for applications and inquiries: office-pss@unibas.notexisting@nodomain.comch

2. Scholarships for research on predefined topics

In addition to the research scholarships available for self-chosen topics, the Paul Sacher Foundation also awards scholarships for research on selected items belonging to its holdings. The stay in Basel required for the research is financially supported with a monthly grant of CHF 2250; the total duration of the scholarship is determined during the application process. 

Current topic suggestions can be found below.

Prerequisites and application instructions

  • Your interest in our selected materials is a prerequisite for an application, along with a degree in musicology or a comparable qualification. The project description will state any necessary prior knowledge or particular competencies.
  • Applications may be submitted at any time; there are no submission deadlines.
  • Should you be interested, please first contact the curator named under the proposed topic to determine the focus of the planned research project.
  • The duration of the grant must be proportionate to the scope of the project and will also be agreed in advance with the collection curator.
  • After the preliminary discussion, please provide the curator with the research project summarised on approx. 2 PDF pages along with a curriculum vitae.
  • You will receive a notification of acceptance and approval of the project's duration as soon as possible, as well as further information regarding the organisation of your research stay.
  • During the granted scholarship months/weeks, attendance during the opening hours of the Paul Sacher Foundation is required.
  • An activity report must be submitted at the end of the research stay.

Currently available research projects concerning the Foundation’s holdings