Jürg Wyttenbach Collection

The Early-Works Files

Among the files containing Jürg Wyttenbach's early works, some of which were compiled and labelled by his father Werner Wyttenbach, two (1944–48 and 1948–53) are complete; of four others (1957–62), only the labelled envelopes have survived (there is no evidence of a presumed file no. 3 for the period 1948/49–1956/57). An initial examination shows Wyttenbach's development from his first compositional attempts as a ten-year-old to his first small pieces and early forms of realized and valid compositions. Numerous sketches and drafts – mostly in piano settings – allow us to follow in detail the development of this compositional voice.

The aim would be an initial systematic indexing of the surviving files and the attribution of individual parts to completed works; in turn, some of the manuscripts preserved in files for individual works can be assigned to their original position in the compiled files from 1957 onwards, which were probably dissolved by Jürg Wyttenbach himself.

Further information about the collection and contact to the curator Matthias Kassel