Conlon Nancarrow's STUDIES FOR PLAYER PIANO: Towards a Critical Edition

Project Description |  Identification of Documents |  Acoustic Documentation of the Player Pianos  | Nancarrow Sampler |  MIDI Files of the Rolls | Music Engraving and Technical Tools | Critical Edition of Selected Works |  Online Resources |  Research Team and Contact

Online Resources

This page hosts documents related to the project, ranging from reference lists (first published here) to diverse research documents and images.

Documents in preparation.

  • Player Piano Rolls in the Conlon Nancarrow Collection (PSS): An Annotated List (Bugallo, 2022)
    • List sorted by roll number  - PDF
    • List sorted by contents  - PDF
  • Conlon Nancarrow: Discography (Meyer, 2020) (language: German)  - PDF
  • Acoustic Documentation of Nancarrow’s Player Pianos: Documentation Photos (Bugallo, 2018)
  • Acoustic Documentation of Nancarrow’s Player Pianos: Recording Protocol (Spindler, 2018)  - PDF
  • Conlon Nancarrow’s Player Pianos: Components and Operational Principles (Bugallo, 2021)