no. 32, April 2019

Felix Meyer

Verborgenes Gebet
Oliver Knussens Gedenkstück für Michael Vyner

Alessandro Russo, Matthias Kassel, Sergio Canazza, and Niccolò Pretto

Active Preservation of Luciano Berio’s Audio Documents

Carl Leafstedt

Five + Two = Six
The Wartime Creation of Béla Bartók’s Six (Seven) Songs for Treble Voices and Orchestra (1941)

Simon Tönies

Spiel mit dem Zufall
Das Zahlenquadrat in Pierre Boulez’ Polyphonie X

David Cline

Reverberating Kaleidoscope of Sound
Morton Feldman’s Previously Undocumented Instrumental Music

Maria Grazia Sità

Un Tango di Franco Donatoni?

Maurizio Corbella

Multimedia Counterpoints
On Henry Brant’s Visual Experiments with Spatial Music